Thankfulness (Massive Updates)

Problem with not updating often enough is the backlog it creates. Being too busy is one thing, being lazy is yet another. I was both and that really adds up!

On a brighter note, I am very thankful and blessed to have found a new customer service person to help with enquiries at mylittlebow! Finally, I won’t feel guilty over enquiries I can never finish replying (despite trying the best I could), it’s truly a great load taken off my shoulders!

Praise the Lord!

A new packer has also come onboard, so we now have a troop occupying my shrinking office space (starting to look smaller by the day) and I’m really enjoying the company of these wonderful people God has blessed me with.

Also, our Self Manufactured MLB’s Blazer has also FINALLY arrived. I’m so very pleased with them, excellent SLIMMING cutting (oh yes pls) and lovely juicy colours! Here are some colour inspirations I’ve found for the 3 colours we will have… (*teaser alert*)

Aren’t you psyched? You’re sooo gonna love it! WAIT FOR IT!

Moving on to pictures…

Last Saturday

Great time, great food, great company, great music, one can never ask for more.

A cute pup will always be the center of attraction wherever it goes. Muffin (the cute scooby doo looking pup) is up for adoption. Contact me if you want to give her a home. 🙂

Last Sunday

OOTD – Stripey Tube Dress – Mustard


OOTD – MLB’s Cut In Zip Back Dress – Black

Gelish Nails by Sponsored by Milly’s – Crazy pretty nail art done by talented manicurist. It was a very pampering experience that EVERY GIRL shld go for! 🙂 Read more about it at Elaine’s Blog! (P.S. She took all my photos as she was w/o camera that day so you may see some duplicates!)


There was a blank out on pictures from Thurs-Fri, so here we are on Saturday!

It’s never a good idea to head to IKEA on a Saturday evening. Crowd was insane, queue for meatballs was impossible but we made it through.

Spotted my Grandma and cousins on the poster. Gosh. I think they are famous now!


Thanks to a dear friend for lovely gift (food) from Japan.

Tiong Bahru Bakery @ Raffles City. Wasn’t that great really. Follow me on Burpple @juzval to see what I loved more!

Have a blessed week ahead!

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Another Week Passed? TGIPH

Didn’t realized it’s been a week since I last posted!

TGIPH – Thank God it’s Public Holiday!

Indeed, another week flew by so quickly, but I’m just glad it’s over! Pretty excited for the month of Nov because MLB will be turning 3!!! So much to plan, so much to be thankful for and so much emotions that words cannot describe. Oh well, till I find the words, it’s pictures time!

Last Weekend.
OOTD – Peter Pan Collar Floral Lace Top + Floral Skirt


OOTD: Hearts Tank Swing Dress – Black + Leopard Print Scarf



OOTD: Three Straps Tank Top in Mustard + Navy Trench Skirt/Cape

Cheers to the start of the weekend!

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A crazy, fun & beautiful Friday

Was honored to be invited by L’Oréal Paris to an exclusive hair styling workshop today, brought along MLB’s lovely model Elaine and we had much fun together.

Taking half of Friday off also meant a crazy hectic working week for me and despite doing everything as quickly as I could, I still left the office slightly late and had to run to the MRT. Nevertheless, we made it there in one piece, slightly late, slightly flustered but in one piece.

Although they called it a high tea, there wasn’t any tea and there was only 1 pretty little treat on the table for each person. Strangely enough, no one took any. The event started off with an introduction of their product Elnett, followed by a demonstration of how to do 3 different fashionable hairdos. I was able to come up with some decent looks on Elaine and was pretty pleased with the results… Shall let the pictures do the talking!

Elaine trying to braid my hair

My pretty french roll on Elaine

My crazy pretty braid on Elaine

And the edited/improvised version by stylist KC

Goodie Bag

I was pleased to find out that my husband has not forgotten our wedding Monthniversary, 34 months to be exact. Truly appreciated the fact that he had a dinner plan in mind for us after the workshop! Skinny Pizza was where we headed to.

Outfit of the Day: One Pleat Two Layer Dress in Black
Bag: Canvas Luggage Bag (coming soon on MLB)
Accessories: Butterflies Statement Necklace (coming soon on MLB)

P.S. I love you darling! Happy 34 months of wonderful marriage! Can’t wait to spend the rest of my lifetime with you! ❤

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Yet another week pass me by.

It’s been nothing less than tiring and hectic. Days of the week just fly pass without my notice and before I knew it, another week is almost over. I guess it’s not a bad thing that time passes quickly for me, but it also means I’m aging by the second. Oh well. I’m still thankful for the little pleasures in life!


Saturday Evening.






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The weekend has come

A hurried (3day) trip is always tiring but we managed to squeeze in some nice eating places and relaxation (mani pedi), which made it more enjoyable!
Friday was almost a disaster but thanks to help, I was able to post out all the orders and launch on time… Praise be to God that I’m still in one piece and life is ALMOST back to normal.

Snapshots time!

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